Creative Power Writing™
Coaching and Consulting

an experienced teacher who guarantees your success,
an accomplished writer who shares her expertise in multiple genres and types,
a creative program designer who tailors instruction to your needs, and
a dynamic presenter who makes learning interesting and fun.
Your writer, editor, consultant or coach should be:
Susan Robinson
Susan Robinson's teaching experience guarantees your success.

• M.A. in Writing with a Creative Writing/
Journalism focus
• B.A. in Elementary Education
• Certification in Gifted and Talented Education

More than 25 years experience as an educator, the last 12 teaching college writing courses.
Susan Robinson's multigenre writing expertise offers a wide palette for your writing or instructional needs.

Your writer, editor, consultant or coach should be:

Susan Robinson's passion and enthusiam make working with her fun!
Master's thesis combines creative nonfiction, essay and poetry.
Wrote and edited for business, industry, government and academia.

Creativity is intelligence having fun.
--Albert Einstein

Connect with your writer/editor/coach/consultant! Email
Susan Robinson's design creativity ensures you an engaging, imaginative results.